The Defy Aging Newsletter

Anti-aging psychology, holistic health, and wellness

These are archives of a biweekly e-mail newsletter for helping you think, feel, look, and be more youthful and live with purpose.

May 1, 2007 Number 164

This issue:

You Bet Your Life

Action to take

Bet someone you will live to 100 (or older).


250:1 odds. I'd love to take that bet. Ten years ago Englishman Alec Holden placed a £100 bet with his bookie that he would live to 100. He recently cashed in on that $200 bet and received $50,000.

You won't be able to get the 250:1 odds these days. Rupert Adams, spokesperson for the the bookie, said, "When we started taking these bets, 100 years old seemed to be an almost mythical landmark and we were prepared to offer massive odds. But these age wagers are starting to cost us a fortune and from now on we are going to push out the age to 110." The US Census Bureau says the US had 75,000 centenarians in 2000 and will have 170,000 in 2010 and 1.2 million in 2050.

Don't you just hate to lose a bet? A lot of people will put a lot of effort into making sure they win a bet. So why not bet on yourself? Personally, I have always disliked the idea of life insurance asking me to bet against myself. Betting you will live to 100, 110, or even 150 puts the incentive where it belongs. And you want to be there for payday.


Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.

~from the movie, The Color of Money


Americans spend $300 billion every year on games of chance; and that doesn't include weddings and elections.

~Argus Hamilton

I'm am an only child. I used to have a brother but my parents gambled a lot.

~Rita Rudner

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"Dr. Michael Brickey, The Anti-Aging Psychologist, teaches people to think, feel, look and be more youthful. He is an inspiring keynote speaker and Oprah-featured author. His works include:  Defy Aging, 52 baby steps to Grow Young, and Reverse Aging (anti-aging hypnosis CDs). Visit for a free report on anti-aging secrets and a free newsletter with practical anti-aging tips."

Online Continuing Education
Hear Dr. Brickey interview leading anti-aging experts on Ageless Lifestyles Radio. MP3 downloads are free.
Defy Aging book Featured on Oprah and CNN
52 Baby Steps to Grow Young book
Anti-aging Hypnosis CD set
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