About Dr. Michael Brickey

Currently, Dr. Brickey provides clinical services onsite to nursing home and assisted living facility residents in Columbus, Ohio. He also is author of several ZurInstitute.com continuing education courses on aging for mental health professionals, and does expert evaluations for guardianship cases. His 50-minute podcast interviews with anti-aging experts are available on this site at no cost. His 2001 Oprah-featured book Defy Aging is no longer available as some research portions of the book are dated. He also is no longer promoting his book, 52 baby steps to Grow Young or his anti-aging hypnosis CDs, or seeking speaking engagements.
Professional credentials
- Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in Psychology
- Board certified in Behavioral Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (only about 2% of psychologists achieve ABPP certification)
- Fellow in the American Psychological Association (only about 2% of psychologists achieve this distinction)
- Licensed psychologist (Ohio)
- Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner
- Previous distinctions include: Editor The Independent Practitioner, Certified Alcoholism Counselor, ASCH Certified Hypnotist and Hypnosis Consultant, Fellow in the American Association of Mental Deficiency, developing and serving as Training Director for what was the only APA approved Doctoral Psychology Internship program sponsored by a private practice.
Michael Brickey, Ph.D.
Ageless Lifestyles® Institute, LLC
865 College Ave.
Columbus, OH 43209