Everyone Hates to Get Old Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey Keeps Your Audience Youthful
Yikes! We're getting older:
- Most people are aging unnecessarily.
- Learning your Anti-Aging ABCs® (Attitudes, Beliefs, and Coping Skills) is easy, painless, and free.
- People in their hundreds are teaching college, practicing medicine, painting, sculpting, writing best sellers, even fathering children. Would you like to know their secrets?
- Only 30% of your longevity is genetic. That means 70% is mental and lifestyle. Developing a youthful mindset is best learned a small step at a time.
Info on 52 baby steps to Grow Young
Read first 12 pages (PDF) of 52 baby steps...
Dr. Michael Brickey
- Dr. Brickey is an APA Fellow and Board Certified Psychologist with more than 30 years of clinical experience.
- His first book, Defy Aging, gave the research, theory, and how-to for living well into your hundreds. It was featured on Oprah, CNN and the Voice of America. It was a Finalist in ForeWord magazine’s Book of the Year awards.
- His newest book 52 baby steps to Grow Young makes it even easier—just two pages a week. It has been endorsed by Art Linkletter, Nido Qubein, the President and five Past Presidents of the 150,000 member American Psychological Association.
- In promoting his first book, he did more than 100 radio and TV interviews.
- Why you are aging too fast.
- What to say when someone asks how old you are.
- Twelve social perks of being over 60.
- How you can slow aging.
- How your memories affect how fast you age.
- Why “senior moments” are bull.
- How centenarians (people 100+ years old) are writing best selling books, graduating from college, running for Congress, teaching college, practicing medicine, sculpting, dancing, painting, and even fathering children.
- Why George Burns died.
- How humor can help you stay youthful.
- What it takes to be married for 100 years.
- How the “Rule of Thirds” can help you stay youthful.
- The 10 most important coping skills to avoid aging.
- How to resiliently handle family and friends dying.
- Why you should never retire.
- Why retiring can cause you to age rapidly.
- What your greatest health risk is.
- Why our life spans jumped 47% in the last century and will continue to skyrocket.
- Why people and cats are living ]so much longer.
- Why 50,000 Baby Boomers will live to 150 and still be sharp mentally and physically.
- Why the Census Bureau says we will have more than a million Americans 100 years and older in less then 50 years.
- Why you should not try to be happy.
- How believing in compressed morbidity can help you age well.
- What the Energizer Bunny can teach you about aging well.
- How you can move better than most teenagers.
- What Bob Hope can teach you about aging well.
- How Helen Hayes’ beliefs about aging can help you age well.
- How and why you should never wait.
- How the Department of Defense’s PR gimmick gives you a trick for appreciating life more.
Contact Us:
Dr. Michael Brickey
Ageless Lifestyles Institute® LLC
865 College Ave.
Columbus, OH 43209