The Life Makeover Program to take your life to a higher level
If you do what you always have done, you will get what you always gotten.
Are you willing to settle for that?
Are you willing to settle for less than you can be?
Dr. Brickey's Life Makeover Program is not for people:
- who just want to learn more about themselves
- who are not willing to do some serious soul searching and planning
- who are not willing to make major changes in their lives
It is for men and women who are serious about taking their lives to a higher level.
If you are serious, Dr. Brickey will work with you one on one in ten individual 50-minute phone sessions to guide you through the process of:
- Becoming crystal clear about
- who you are
- what you want
- why
- how to achieve it
- Developing a written plan for your life
- Improving the quality of your beliefs, goals, self-concept, and dreams
- Achieving you enhanced goals and dreams
Dr. Brickey's Life Makeover Coaching was featured in six issues of Let's Live magazine.
Dr. Brickey's Life Makeover Coaching was featured in six issues of Let's Live magazine. Here is what the Let's Live women he coached had to say,
Dear Mike,
I just wanted to formally thank you for your extraordinarily helpful coaching. Last year was one of the most challenging years of my life. Your coaching made it one of the best years of my life.
I surprised myself at how well I did on the fitness and weight loss programs. Wow, do I feel better about myself. I used to be a wallflower, hanging back, rarely initiating conversations. I just thought, "Who would be interested in some overweight lady?" Now Now I feel confident and interesting and interesting and don't hesitate to initiate conversations....
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Initially, I had some concerns about how men might treat a thinner me but that proved to be a non-issue. It has been a lot easier to make friendships with men. Not much has happened romantically so far but you never know. I think the fact that the weight loss and fitness happened gradually helped me gradually absorb the changes and to feel more confident about the changes being here to stay. While I cut myself some slack on occasionally straying from my nutrition and fitness lifestyle, anytime I am tempted to stray very far, I remind myself how much better my life has become and how I would never want to go back to that "anonymous" self.
Another huge change is in how I talk to myself. My self-talk used to put me down or get me anxious. Now I am my own cheerleader. I can choose moods and attitudes like choosing a radio station. I now change moods and self-talk by changing what I am doing physically or changing my language and voice qualities. I also am using music and conditioned responses to access peak experiences. It was I knew how to play the "cool under pressure" self-talk voice and how to play the "worry wart" voice. Now I increasingly choose to play the cool under pressure voice.
Also instead of thinking of myself as a procrastinator, I see myself as a jack-of-all trades who is clear about what she wants and gets things done. Being clear about priorities, breaking things down into manageable units, and focusing on seeing the outcomes made a big difference. Further, I know from experience that I can get things done on deadline.
The quality of the questions I asked myself also improved. Instead of asking, Why me? I have been asking questions such as, How can I make this a great day? Fighting off depression when I lost my job "built up my mental muscles" in managing my moods and not getting into a funk.
Being laid off threw me for a while. I feared my friends would look down on me. Instead I found my friends were a great support team. I make it a point to talk with some of my supportive friends every week. Just as I came to see myself as interesting and attractive, I came to see myself as having a lot to offer employers. Eventually I got a position that made good use of my skills and paid decently. In my spare time I kept testing the waters to find markets for selling ceramics. Now I am at a point where I need to choose whether to continue my "day job" or focus full-time on filling orders and marketing.
I still am not crazy about moving in with mom but I plan to keep my promise to her. I realize that my friends will probably see me as an admirable dutiful daughter (as opposed to someone who had to live with her mother because she couldn't support herself). We worked out very practical arrangements for who does what and who pays for what. Setting my ceramics business up at her house should work very well and sharing expenses helps. I love having discretionary income. I won't worry about mom and I don't have to waste any time time driving her home or taking care of two homes.
As I experiences these changes I found myself saying: This is the real me. This is my destiny. Many thanks for your coaching.
Dear Mike,
I am writing to thank you for the superb coaching you did with me and for helping me become master of my life and my emotions. I've come to believe that I can make my own breaks and things are getting better all the time. Talking my way to Hawaii is a good example. When things aren't working, I try another way. And as I am fond of saying, "Once I get Rocking, I'm Rolling"
Our coaching helped me redefine who I am. Rather than often wondering if I fit in, ...
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I now feel like I can talk to anybody about anything—from family to highbrow to lowbrow to people from different countries. I now see myself as a natural "anthropologist"—easily relating well in any culture. And of course, being a talented anthropologist fits well with my eclectic tastes. I really like the Sharon I am becoming. In my personal life and career I am now writing my own script rather than continuing with some scripts that were around since junior high school years.
Loosening up my self-image of having to be strong also helped. While I can be strong, I more typically call upon being smart and resourceful in meeting my needs, including sometimes asking for help. I also feel I have more perspective and am less inclined to slip into an unresourceful mood or martyr posture (e.g., the way I used to ask why I had to be the only one to... or ask why other people weren't more responsible). I increasingly find myself in a "flow" state. I'm also glad to be a hero and role model for my family. It's amazing how the clarity of purpose and being myself is helping me in dating.
I also am more at peace and can regain my balance more quickly. I take things more in stride, deal with change better, am more self-possessed, and more confident. Most of all I know how to ask myself better questions.
As you know I have become more physically fit and love the way my body feels. I love pairing peak feelings with cues so I can trigger powerful or resourceful states when I need them.
Age is bringing financial prudence and I am reaching the point where I will never pay credit card interest again. I receive great satisfaction from sticking it to the credit car companies as opposed to being enslaved to them. Before long I will have a savings account and eventually my own condo. My father is very proud to know that I am developing a financial safety net.
Dear Mike,
I want to thank you for your great coaching. Last year was a turning point in my life in many ways—and your coaching was a big part of the changes.
First was taking charge of my health by getting in shape, eating better, and most of all becoming a non-smoker for life. I look back now and it is hard to believe that I wasn't taking better care of myself. The triathlon symbolized the triumph in the trifold areas—eating, exercise, and smoking. I was especially proud of keeping my personal goal of doing the triathlon when I was age 40...
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I remember I used to think that I had to choose between being organized and being spontaneous and child-like. Now I am having fun being the sticker lady. Like my friend Mary, I keep the trunk of my car stocked for a spur-of-the moment picnic. Like mad money on a date, it is a great symbol of freedom. My daughters notice the difference and seem more comfortable with growing up.
Being more comfortable with spontaneity also helped me become more organized. It was a question of breaking things down into smaller units. Especially helpful was picking the few 15-minute or less tasks I want to try to accomplish on a particular day.
The serenity prayer helped me deal with the craziness at work. An attitude of gratitude and perspective also helps with the city traffic.
While I don't think about it much, I'm also more comfortable with myself spiritually. I realize I was carrying around a lot of other people's shoulds about religion instead of being comfortable with the me that has evolved—a very conscientious and spiritual person who has "outgrown" the traditional, dogma-based, spoon-fed approaches to religion. I have the moral integrity and honesty to pursue the right thing without the support of traditional religious institutions and now I give myself credit for it.
When I said the women in my family were strong, I had no idea how strong until last year. But I am happy to say we are more than just strong. We are fun-loving, spontaneous, insightful, savvy, and even spiritual. I'm very proud of how I went all out last year despite many challenges. It was well worth it an exceeded my dreams. When I put my mind to something, it happens. I guess I'd better choose wisely what I put my mind to this year. Thank you so much for your help.
Life Makeover Program Outline
- Complete the “History” and “Goals and Motivation Assessment” forms.
- increase your awareness of your motivations
- increase your awareness of how your past got you where you are now, and
- help me understand these before we even start session one
These assignments:
Session #1: Defining the big picture
- We review your Quality of Life Indicators results.
- We identify your goals and priorities.
- We write a first draft of your Vision and Mission statements for your life.
- We tweak the goals and priorities
Session #2: Primary question and scripts
- We fine tune your vision, mission, and goals (from session 1).
- We discover your “primary question.”
- We experiment with other primary questions that might give you better results.
- We consider scripts you have been living and scripts you want to live.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #3: Your weakest link
- We check how your primary question and scripts are working (from session 2).
- We consider what your weakest link is.
- We develop strategies for strengthening your weakest link.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #4: Attitudes
- We check to see how your weakest link strategies are working (from session 3).
- We assess your attitudes.
- We consider whether attitude shifts would help you be more successful.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #5: Beliefs
- We check on how your attitude shifts are working (from session 4).
- We assess your beliefs and how they affect your success at following your life plan and achieving your goals.
- We consider whether belief shifts would help you be more successful.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #6: Beliefs affecting
- We check on how your belief changes are working (from session 5).
- We assess beliefs and lifestyle practices that affect longevity.
- We consider what changes you want to make in longevity beliefs.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #7: Toward and Away Rules
- We check on how your belief changes about longevity are working (from session 6).
- We assess your Toward Rules and Away Rules.
- We consider shifts in your rules that might help you be more successful.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #8: Capabilities and optimal environment
- We check on how shifts in your rules are working (from session 7).
- We assess your self-concept of your capabilities.
- We consider shifts you may want to make in your self- concept.
- We assess how well your environment fits with and supports your life plan.
- We consider changes you may want to make in your environment.
- We work on achieving your goals.
Session #9: Integration and summing up
- We check how shifts in your self-concept and environmental changes are working (from session 8).
- We make sure your life plan is complete and well integrated.
- We plan how to make sure you follow through with your plan.
Session #10: Follow-up one month later
- We have you take another Quality of Life Inventory and compare it with your initial one.
- We assess how you are doing at following your life plan and achieving your goals.
- We fine tune your life plan and strategies to achieve it.
- We consider any new goals you want to add.
If you are asking yourself what it costs, ask yourself first:
- What is it worth to you to have a clear sense of who you are, what you want, why, and how you are going to achieve it?
- What is it worth to become so clear about your dreams that motivation comes naturally and pulls you into achieving your dreams?
- Which will have more impact on your life—a weekend getaway or Dr. Brickey's Life Makeover Program?
Call 614-237-4556 to see if you can be accepted for this program.